American Cancer Society (ACS)

The ACS provides authoritative information on breast cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, side effects, symptom management and coping.

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

NCI provides comprehensive information on cancer treatment, screening, prevention, supportive care, complementary and alternative treatments and clinical trials.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

This is a national organization that provides information regarding breast cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and symptom management, along with support services.

Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization

Y-ME is a national organization that provides support and information regarding breast cancer to survivors and families about early detection, prevention, treatment, and symptom management.

Sociedad Americana contra el Cancer

Contamos con una navegadora de pacientes con cáncer entrenada para ayudar a identificar y resolver barreras reales y percibidas para la atención, cuido, tratamiento y ayudas lo que permite a los pacientes adherirse a las recomendaciones de la Dra. y así mejorar y optimizar sus proceso de cáncer con el objetivo de una mejor calidad de vida